We have come a long way in a year, here was Luke eating on Christmas day last year. He wasn't too sure about eating anything but milk, he sure has changed his mind since then!!
We have come a long way in a year, here was Luke eating on Christmas day last year. He wasn't too sure about eating anything but milk, he sure has changed his mind since then!!
Wow, Luke hopped right on his new kawasaki and took off! He even likes to try some tricks like getting off while still making the car move, and standing up while he is riding. We are seriously considering getting Luke a helmet to accompany this toy!
Luke opening toys at Grandma and Granddad's house. Cool, a John Deere tractor set!
Luke enjoying the birthday cake we made for Jesus. Aunt Malissia commented that Luke looked like he has facial hair like Vic :-) Fortunately, this is just icing and I think we are a few years away from facial hair!We went to ChuckECheese with Nana and PawPaw a couple days before Christmas. I am not sure who had more fun, Luke or them?!
Luke and Sterling "sharing" space in the drawer :-)
It was nearly impossible to get a picture of Luke and Sterling together, this was the best I could do when they were both sitting in the car
Walking on the trail in the tots area
Selecting fruits for his basket at the grocery store
Luke's favorite, the cash register!
Just for some perspective, here was Luke playing at the museum almost a year ago
Despite what it looks like, we had a wonderful day with our family and we have much to be thankful for this year!
This is the only picture that came close to what I was trying to get!
Mommy wins! (sort of) I was determined to get a picture of Luke with his turkey hat on!
All dressed up for church. Notice that due to Luke's constant running around, he is starting to look a little slimmer in his clothes :-) He is also getting a little pickier at what he eats, I hope he doesn't take after his dad!
Cutting the cake
Luke with Nana and Pawpaw (who helped tremendously to take care of Luke so that Mommy could enjoy the wedding!)
Luke loved picking apart the flower on Vic's tux, fortunately, this was after the wedding!
Matthew and Malissia leaving for their honeymoon