I have been a bad blogger lately, but I have a good excuse! Luke and I were out of town all last week while Vic was in London for work. So, as usual, Luke and I made our way around Houston visiting all of his grandparents. Unfortunately, Luke got a stomach bug while we were gone and also seemed to pass that onto all of his grandparents...oops! But we did have some fun while we were gone, and we are glad to be back home with Vic. Another reason I have been a bad blogger lately is because I cannot get any decent pictures of Luke! He moves too fast and never looks at the camera. This is such a fun and cute age, I wish I could better capture it, but you just have to see it in person. Luke is saying a few more words these days. His favorite word seems to be "Boo!" He loves to be scared and chased around and now he tells us "Boo" all the time. He also seems to really love hiding things, Vic caught him taking small grocery items out of a bag and hiding them everywhere...under the sofa, in my shoes, you have to be careful you don't leave important things in his reach over here or they disappear! Here are just a couple pictures from lately, this is the best I could do :-)

Riding the train at the zoo with grandma and granddad. He had a lot more fun than the expression on his face shows!

Checking out the tree and Christmas decorations at Nana and PaPa's house. Luke did pretty well, he only took off one ornament. We're about the start decorating at our house, so it should be interesting to see what he does!

Reading a book with PaPa, the only time he will slow down and sit still :-)
All dressed up for church. Notice that due to Luke's constant running around, he is starting to look a little slimmer in his clothes :-) He is also getting a little pickier at what he eats, I hope he doesn't take after his dad!