Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Luke has always loved to play peek-a-boo and now he loves to try to hide and surprise us (I forsee many many games of hide-and-go seek in our future!). He hides behind doors, walls, curtains, etc. and then pops out and says "boo!". It is a game we play every day and it's always adorable! Here was yesterday's version....

Where's Luke??

I think I see him!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Need window screens

I thought I would open up the windows in the living room this afternoon because Luke loves looking outside and the weather was warm. It has been a while since I have opened the windows and apparently the last time was before Luke was so mobile. I unfortunately neglected to see that these windows don't have screens on them, so as soon as I opened them, where did Luke go? Out the window of course! I had to run out the front door to catch him, then I let him come back in and do it again so I could get a picture. Then, when I lowered the windows so he couldn't get out, he got his head stuck! When he realized that wouldn't work, he tried to back out of them and got his legs stuck. We won't be opening the windows again any time soon.

Maybe mom won't notice me!

(should I be worried about Luke trying to sneak out when he is a teenager?)

See ya!

Monday, February 9, 2009

19 month update

Things have been a little slow lately, hence my lack of blogging. Luke came down with a nasty virus about a week and a half ago, which the doctor said was not the flu, but"flu-like" and that Luke looked worse than the kids he had seen with the flu, poor boy! It took a whole week for him to return to his normal self during which he was doing lots of cartoon watching. Fortunately, Luke is back to his active self, thank goodness, I was afraid Luke was turning into a cartoon junkie! Luke turned 19 months old last week, so I thought I would give an update on what he is doing these days. The main change I have seen in the last month or so has been his vocabulary, he went from saying about 5 words to about 20 in a flash. Some of my most recent favorites are "cookie", "cracker", (can you tell Luke likes to eat?) and "bubbles". He still loves playing with all of his toys and really loves to go outside. Here are some pictures of him playing :-)
One of Luke's very favorite activities.....leaf collecting! He can spend hours picking up leaves! Who needs a swingset in the backyard when you have leaves?

Luke has definitely decided he is getting too old for his highchair and eats most of his meals at his own little table. He does pretty well, but I think he likes the freedom to eat, play, then eat and play, etc.....

Luke still loves cooking in his kitchen!

And he also loves his power wheels, and an added bonus - it has a compartment to keep snacks in!