Abigail turned 1 last Saturday on September 18th, I still can't believe it!! We had a fun day, we had all of her grandparents and a couple friends of ours come over. Abby ate pizza, cake and enjoyed opening her presents. She is definitely a little girl, she loves all of her new baby dolls and girly stuff!
Our birthday princess!
Abby has changed so much in a year, she is about 19 pounds (going for her check-up tomorrow for official stats) and still feels like a lightweight compared to Luke at that age! She has 3 top and 2 bottom teeth, she is still taking just a few steps at a time, but is getting more brave. Abby has always been a good sleeper, she sleeps for about 11 hours a night, and is transitioning to 1 afternoon nap of about 2 hours. She will give high fives, likes to clap and my favorite - she likes to give kisses!!! Abby is almost finished nursing and loves drinking from a cup, and her favorite foods are cheese, crackers, mexican food, spaghetti, and most fruit. Abby loves to play with baby dolls and girly stuff, but also loves Luke's cars and action figures. My favorite thing about Abby is that she is very social and enjoys the attention and affection of others, especially her big brother Luke! We are so blessed to have her, I love having a baby girl and Abigail has been everything I have hoped for!!
I made her cake, it was my first cake attempt and so much fun!

Abby seemed a little confused when we were singing Happy Birthday!
Abby loved her strawberry cake :-)
Abby's friend Kate really likes cake too, they were sharing very nicely!
Opening gifts - Abby loves her dolls, new dollhouse and doll accessories.
Did I mention Abby loves her baby dolls??