This past weekend, we took the kids to College Station to visit their Uncle Andy, and to go to Santa's wonderland. I had not been to Santa's wonderland since I was in college, and we knew the kids would love it because they are obsessed with Christmas lights and decorations.
While we were in College Station, we visited my brother's girlfriend, Stephanie, who teaches kindergarten there. Since Luke is slightly resistant to the idea of kindergarten, we thought it would be a good idea to give him a little positive experience with it. And Stephanie did not disapppoint, she made it look so fun, I wish I could go back to Kindergarten! Here is Luke playing with her smartboard...

On the hayride at Santa's Wonderland!

With Uncle Andy and Stephanie

Visiting with Frosty!

We usually bring our own pack-n-play for Abby, but we forgot it, so we just let the kids sleep together on the sofa bed at our hotel. They did pretty well, only woke up talking to each other a couple times :-) I just thought it was so cute to see them sleeping so peacefully together!