We have enjoyed 2 days of thanskgiving, on wednesday with all of my family and then thursday with both sets of our parents. Luke woke up this morning very disappointed that there are no grandparents or uncles here today!! We are thankful for so much this year and enjoyed being able to spend lots of time this week with our families, here are some pictures....

Abigail with Uncle Matt
Luke with Uncle Andy and his girlfriend Stephanie
Luke and I made turkey cupcakes, he was lots of help in between eating lots of candy corn and icing!!
Luke loves to play in this house outside, unfortunately he doesn't like to be alone in the house and it is not made for adults to fit in! Uncle Andy was nice enough to go along with Luke's demands to have company inside :-)
Vic put up the new nativity scene he has worked on for several months now....Luke likes to hide behind the characters...can you find him?

Here is the whole thing at night, Vic did a great job! And while the main reason for putting this up is to remember why we celebrate Christmas - it also doubles as outdoor entertainment for Luke!
Here is the whole thing at night, Vic did a great job! And while the main reason for putting this up is to remember why we celebrate Christmas - it also doubles as outdoor entertainment for Luke!
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