I cannot believe my baby Luke turns 3 today!! Today has been so much fun, this is the first year that he has really understood and been excited about his birthday...although there is some confusion about why his birthday party is not today, we just keep telling him that he gets to have 2 parties! This year has gone by so fast, but I want to remember how Luke has changed and grown this year. This was a very special year because Luke became a big brother! Even though I sometimes think Luke is oblivious to Abby, I can tell lately that he cares a lot about her. Every morning, if she is not already up, Luke asks where sister is. And he is very sweet to Abigail, always bringing her toys to play with and even sharing his food :-) We have seen Luke become more patient, less wild (some days!) and a lot easier to take places. I think that is one of the things Vic and I enjoy the most about Luke now, he gets excited about going places he loves, like the park, the pool, the zoo, and it is actually enjoyable to take him! He also has come a long way in his communication, we understand most of what he says and we love hearing him talk. Luke's favorite things to play with are little action figures and things he can build with. A big change is that Luke sits still long enough now to love playing games (candy land is his favorite!) and asks us to read books to him. He also loves doing crafts and I enjoy that I don't have to hover over him just because he has a crayon or playdough in his hand! Luke has definitely grown a lot and we have more and more fun with him every day! I will post more pictures later after our celebration with all of Luke's grandparents tonight.
Its too hard to believe. Time moves way too fast when you become a mom :)
Happy Birthday!
He is such a sweet boy and I love your description of Luke at this stage. We love getting to be a part of his life too and watch him grow.
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