Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Nap time

When Luke refuses to take a nap in his crib, I sometimes resort to trying to make him fall asleep in his swing (which he is really outgrowing!). He had a hard day of playing today, he is pulling up on everything in sight, and while standing up holding onto the sofa today, he turned around and grabbed onto the coffee table while still standing! I am afraid he is going to take off walking any day now. He is actually getting closer to crawling as well, I'll be curious to see if he will crawl or just start walking :-)

Here Luke was having fun standing up in his crib (I helped him stand up there, fortunately he doesn't know how to do that yet on his own)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE these pictures! In that top one, he looks like he is just chillin' out in a hammock or something. Too cute!