Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I have looked forward to this day for many years, and especially the last 10 the first time I get to celebrate Mother's Day as a mommy myself!! It has been wonderful, daddy has changed all the diapers today (Vic assured me he would remember this on Father's day!), made a great lunch and even cleaned the's really too bad we don't have more of these mother's days!! The best part has just been enjoying having Luke to actually hold and play with this year, he is such a blessing. Luke even helped carry my carnation out of church that all the moms got, unfortunately he had destroyed it by the time we got to the car, but I know he meant well :-) Our families came over for lunch and our moms got to celebrate their first mother's day as moms and grandmothers, so that was special too.
Luke and mommy with the flowers Luke picked out for me :-)

Luke has unfortunately discovered a love for icecream, and poor grandma could barely fend him off while she was trying to eat hers. I think Luke ate more of the icecream than grandma did!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a great first Mother's Day. You look beautiful and refreshed - must be the break from diapers!