Thursday, June 5, 2008

Out of town

Luke and I have spent the week visiting friends and my family while Vic was gone for a work retreat in Galveston (although between building sandcastles, fishing and lots of good meals, I am not sure how much "work" was involved!) We visited Jessica and Sterling and stayed with grandma and granddad. We went to a different mall every day with grandma and shopped, we were worn out! We had several firsts this week, Luke rode his first little ride at the mall (grandma has been wanting to try those out for a long time), Luke had his first cookie at the mall, and he tried whole milk for the first time (he loved it). We had lots of fun but were glad to come back home and see daddy! Here are some pictures from the last few days.

Luke crawling around at the playground at the woodlands mall.

Luke and Sterling searching for fun toys in the toy box :-)

Luke and Sterling trying to escape from the playroom!

Luke riding the ride at the outlet mall.

We took Luke out to see Malissia's (Matthew's fiance) horse....Luke did not seem very impressed with Summer, but Summer was very interested in Luke. Summer kept trying to smell Luke's diaper, never a good sign!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cute! I like the horse picture. At least Luke didn't try to put his finger up the horse's nose or mouth - that's what Sterling would have done!