Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter egg hunts and 21 month update

Luke has been very busy lately, he had his first overnight trip to Nana and PaPa's this weekend and two easter egg hunts. And he turned 21 months yesterday, so hard to believe that he will be 2 in just 3 months! Luke is changing a lot, he has started saying some new words (mainly cartoon character names!) and has some new interests. His main new hobby is climbing on anything and everything, he is a little monkey! His favorite place to sit is on top of the end table in our living room, I find him perched there several times a day. Luke also has developed his hobby of taking things apart (unfortunately not putting them back together!), his favorite things to take apart are the vacuum cleaner, remote controls and the air conditioning unit in the sun room. As you can tell, this has made my life much busier as well! Luke continues to love cartoons and the only people's names he says on his own are "Man" for handy manny, "Chuck" for ChuckECheese and "Bob" for sponge bob, ironic since we have never let him watch spongebob??

The pictures are from the egg hunts Luke went to this weekend, one for our young adult sunday school classes and one for MOPS. Luke was interested in putting a few eggs in his basket, but then just wanted to take those out and open them, we had a hard time getting him to collect all 12 he was supposed to! (I doubt this will be a problem by next year). I have to brag on Vic, he took Luke to the first egg hunt all by himself b/c I was at handbell practice and he even took some cute pictures, what a great dad!!
I found an egg!
Hmmm... let me see what is inside this one before I decide to keep it :-)

Playing at the park after the egg hunt

(These are all from the sunday school egg hunt, I did not get any good pictures of Luke from the MOPS one because Luke spent the whole time climbing on the stage in the church gym to get to the fire alarm and touch it! Fortunately he never set it off, that would have definitely disrupted our egg hunt!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How cute! I can't wait to see you guys and hear some of Luke's new words.