Friday, April 24, 2009

Trip to the Oil Ranch

We took a field trip out to the Oil Ranch with our MOPS group today and we had a blast! There were so many fun things to do, Luke of course loves anything having to do with animals. Thanks Grandma for going with us!
Luke loves petting zoos.....the best part was the way he yelled "BAAA!!!" back at the sheep when they talked to him :-)

Luke and Grandma on the train, we rode the "choo choo" as Luke calls it, several times

Luke had his very first pony ride! He definitely needed me to help him stay on, but he enjoyed petting the horse as he rode and yelling "Neigh!!"

We could hardly get Luke out of the petting zoo area, here he is looking at chickens, which he yelled "Cacaca" (for cockadoodledoo of course!) Do you see a theme for the day? Luke may not say many words, but he sure can tell you what sound the animals make :-)

We had several firsts today and I think Luke's favorite was his very first snowcone....yummy!!

Luke really loved the jumpy thing, we had a hard time getting him out of this too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you went. Looks like you all had fun. I wish we could have joined you, but maybe next time! See if you had pets, Luke would talk more. I could loan you Greta :)