Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Luke!!!

Wow, I cannot believe Luke is 2 today! This year has flown by and we have had so much fun with him. Luke has changed so much this year, he started walking, talking and definitely developing quite the little personality. Luke has 2 speeds - on and off! We love his fun loving and energetic personality.....he may be difficult to keep up with, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Luke has developed his own interests, he still loves books, loves cartoons and pretty much any toy that allows him to hit things! (hammers and baseball bats are some of his favorites!). Luke loves to go outside and can spot a park a mile away, or a ChuckECheese for that matter. He can devour mexican food like you wouldn't believe (particularly salsa and beans) and also loves to give goodnight hugs and kisses. Vic and I love him so much and because of Luke we look even more forward to the birth of our daughter in a few months so we can treasure these beginning years all over again. Luke will be a wonderful big brother and we are so blessed to be his parents. Happy birthday Luke!!!!

All of Luke's grandparents came over this evening and we took Luke to his favorite location to celebrate his birthday - ChuckECheese!

Luke occasionally stops to actually play a game!

Luke with his new train table from Grandma and Granddad.....where did they think we were going to put this??? Luke loves it already and seemed to know exactly what to do with the train.

Luke surrounded by his pile of birthday presents.....thank goodness this will give us some new toys to keep us entertained to survive the summer heat!

Luke blew out his own candle, and then really enjoyed eating his cake!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Looks like it was a happy birthday, and the train table looks really fun! See you soon