Thursday, February 17, 2011

17 months

Abby will be 17 month olds tomorrow, and I realized I am not writing anything down about how she is changing each month. This is such a cute, fun and suddenly very busy age! Abby has finally gained a couple pounds, (around 21 now) and loves to climb on things and is proving to be even more fearless than Luke. She is talking more and more, with her favorite words being no!, mine!, Abby, Belle (the princess) and uh-oh. Her first multi-word phrase has been "no no mommy!", I was hoping for something sweeter...maybe next month. While Abby can definitely be charming, she definitely has an attitude - she is known to roll her eyes, throw herself on the floor while kicking her legs in the air and screaming "no no!!" all at the same time, quite talented for 17 months. Abby's favorite things to do are eat (I am told she dives toward food at church), play outside, play with dolls and read books, especially princess books. Abby definitely know she is a princess, but that's ok with me :-)
This is Abby modeling her princess bathing suit

This was Abby's first paint experience. She liked running around with the paintbrushes, but did not want to sit down, so it did not last long.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I can't believe that cute little princess is throwing fits and saying no! Ahh...I think Jake and Abby would be great friends! We need to get together and play soon!