Saturday, December 12, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas!

Getting ready for Christmas was fun the last 2 years with Luke of course, but this year is SO much more fun with him. Luke is getting excited about Santa, points out Baby Jesus whenever we see a manger scene, and has really embraced Christmas parties and treats!! Luke had his school party this week, followed the next day by our MOPS Christmas party, and then today we spent all day baking treats. He has pretty much been on a week long sugar high and I don't think it is going to get any better before Christmas. Here are some pictures from our week...
Luke's school party started out by decorating ornaments (or themselves)!
I knew when I saw those cupcakes that bright green icing was going to be a bad idea for 2 year olds....
I was correct
Our MOPS Christmas party for the kids was lots of fun - there were different stations for the kids to do an activity. Vic was off friday so he got to join in on the party too :-) They made jingle bell bracelets, cards for a mission project, nativity scenes with stickers and decorated cookies.
That is Luke under there showing off his nativity scene
Granddad and Grandma watched the kids last night so Vic and I could go to a party, and this is what Luke and Granddad worked on, it turned out awesome!
Luke was obviously very proud of his work!

Cutting out cookies this morning, Luke was very particular about which shapes he wanted to use!

Daddy made a big mistake of telling Luke he could eat a piece of the dough while we were cutting out the cookies....we are lucky there was any dough left after that to actually bake cookies with!

Hmmm, Luke seems to really like to show me what is inside his mouth when I take pictures of him, we will have to work on that.

Have I mentioned that Luke likes sprinkles?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like y'all had a really fun weekend! Sterling and I baked cookies today too and I'm pretty sure he has an actual addiction to cookie dough. He couldn't cut out any shapes without stuffing handfuls in his mouth as quickly as possible. Wonder what would happen if we let Luke and Sterling make cookies together?!