Friday, September 25, 2009

Big Brother

I can't believe Abigail is a week old already, and it has been a wonderful week. I'll post more later about our week, but I wanted to devote this post to Abigail's big brother :-) Luke has been so great this week, he has been more interested in Abigail since we came home from the hospital, he has not been jealous at all and has been full of hugs and kisses for her. He has even shared (or tried to share!) some of his most prized posessions....his stickers, his paci (don't tell anyone we still let Luke have his paci when he sleeps!) and even his food. When I told Luke this morning that Abby was hungry, he tried to put a piece of cereal in her mouth. While I obviously couldn't let him do this, it was so sweet that he wanted to help take care of her. I look forward to many years of seeing Luke and Abigail play together and love each other, and I would say we are off to a great start.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, I love that he's so sweet with her! I know that's a big deal for Luke to share paci, stickers, and food! Can't wait to see them together.